
A beautiful locket my father gave me for my 22nd birthday.
They use to put pictures of their loved ones in lockets during the old days,
but now, all you need is just a little cip and the whole world can fit in your locket.

After half a year cursing and whining about my corrupted old 2gig pen-drive.
I finally got myself a new one. 8gig, Kingston.
Thousand thanks to Fida and Im who had sacrificed few hours of their precious time today to go out and look for a good and cheap pen-drive that i wanted.
You two are the best!
Thanks again and again and more than i may type. :P

Yes, yes, i know, its just a pen-drive, but living in a world of technology nowadays,
a pen-drive with a capacity of a universe is somewhat essential and necessary.
Having pictures,videos,slide-shows and zillions of documents in the que to be saved and transferred from one computer to another, it makes a little pen-drive something we cannot live without.

There you go. A story about a little new pen-drive.

Grateful walhamdlillah, Anisah ALi.


wah!... if I was a girl I'd probably envy you right now (sort of do anyway)... stylo!.... 8GB ok la... my pendrive has a 1 GB capacity... malu nak bawak keluar... huhu... xde la... k dah merapu dah ni, should be workin on my PBL right now...
Malkisideeq said…
8 gig je...cehhh..nk letak terbang2 pun tk cukup..hohoho..:P
Dr Anisah Ali said…
2 anas : 1 gig is still better then 512 kb. Aite mate?hehehe. Takpe. Kita bersyukur dgn apa yang ade selagi bnd tu boleh bawa manfaat pd kita. *wiNk.

2 Shasha : Hello.. Thumbdrive je pun. Buat apa nak sampai 170gig . Cukup la 8 gig. HAHA. terbang..saya tetap akan terbang! :P
Malkisideeq said… ckp tk cukup la mak cik..hohooh..:P
Nabihah Bazz said…
dah puas campak pendrive?hahaha...

ni ke pendrive baru nt??cantek gilee!! nak plsss...
Dr Anisah Ali said…
2 anb :
Tak PUASS!! Pasal Tak Pecah pun Thumbdrive tu, bikin tambah tension je.HAHA! Heyyyy.. Thank You Naab for being that shoulder. XOXO!!

btw, gambar tu present ayah ana kasi.Tu bukan my new thumbdrive the one i wrote about.Yang baru ni, biasa je, kingston warna biru.8 gig. Dapat agak murah.So, taknak lepaskan peluang. :D Alhamdlillah.
aisyah ali said…
kingston memang bagus, paling bagus kingston university london!! huhu!
pagi td MP3 adik jatuh dlm air, dah rosak dah n adik dah hilang sume documents yg ade dalam tu...sedih kaaaan....
pya said…
hahaha..along,saye nk curi loket kamu..
klu ilang jgn cri pya..=p
btw,npe xbg gmbar shining ckit berlian die..bru nmpak mhal..huhuhuhu
fida yO said…
ur welcomebing!
Anonymous said…
salam...sis..that was such a beautyful pendrve ive ever seen...btw how much that pndrve?imma about of aving one fer ma sef thou..:)
2 anonymous :
That pendrive was a birthday gift from my father. He bought it in London.Not sure where exactly he bought it. But, InsyaALLAH you'll get one more beautiful than that. :D
Enjoy yours.. XoXo-Anisah-

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